Thursday, April 1, 2010

Ten Stupidest Questions

Ten Stupidest Questions to ask on a cruise.

(And what'll you bet we hear some of these?)

10. Does the elevator go to the front of the ship? Generally, elevators go UP or DOWN. If you want to get to the front (which is the bow) of the ship you will have to walk to the front.

9. Is the iced tea hot? Do I need to explain this one?

8. Does the crew sleep on the ship? Not sure where else the crew would sleep except on the ship. The crew’s quarters are down, down, down in the belly of the ship. No passenger is allowed in the crew or staff’s quarters.

7. What is the elevation we are at? When you are on the sea, you would be at sea level.

6. What time is the midnight buffet? Another no-brainer that I even asked on my first cruise. The midnight buffet is at, say it all together, midnight!

5. Is the water in the toilet fresh water or saltwater? What does it matter, I wonder? Why don’t you taste it and get back to me on that one?

4. Does the ship generate its own electricity? There is a l-o-n-g extension cord plugged into the port you sailed out of… just kidding.

3. What do you do with the ice sculptures after they melt? To answer the question, the ice melts into… water. I don’t know what the staff does with the ice sculptors when they start melting. Lick them? Put them in the sink? Save the water for the toilets? I can’t answer those questions.

2. Is the island surrounded by water? Here is the definition of an island: A land mass, especially one smaller than a continent, entirely surrounded by water.

1. If the photos aren’t marked, how do we know they are ours? :)

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